Development strategy

    Colas’ development strategy is based on three cornerstones: 

    Bitumier Colas

    Promote value across our industrial activities

    Colas relies on a unique integrated model that provides us with stability and allows us to grow and differentiate ourselves. Our vertical axis covers the entire value chain: from industrial production to service offerings, including construction work.
    Our strengths? Solid positions in the procurement, storage, and distribution of bitumen, an extensive network of quarries, and circular economy facilities worldwide.
    The aim is not only to better control the availability and quality of supplies, but also to ensure that we meet our commitments, particularly in terms of safety and environmental protection, and to improve our competitiveness by optimizing the use of our assets, particularly through third-party sales.


    Strengthen our positions in construction works

    We are a local player, committed to supporting the sustainable development of local communities. Over the course of its history, Colas has shown that it knows how to integrate businesses of all sizes, in many regions across the globe and for all its activities.
    Wherever we are already rooted, we can make small local acquisitions or diversify into activities related to our traditional businesses, such as circular economy, landscaping, ecological engineering, remediation.
    Where we have little or no presence, or whenever there is still room to expand, we continue our targeted geographical development. Our focus? High-potential areas such as Northern Europe, the United States, Germany, and Australia.

    Recycol sur la D312 à Vollore-Montagne

    Develop innovative and sustainable service offerings

    Our know-how meet current expectations and challenges.
    We are working on nature-based solutions to make infrastructure more environmentally friendly. This involves preserving and restoring ecosystems, for example, through the creation of cool islands, rainwater infiltration, and improving the living environment.
    To optimize the performance of infrastructure throughout its lifecycle, we offer asset management solutions. In other words, solutions to maintain and manage infrastructure with performance objectives.

    Climate strategy

    Enrobés résistant aux hydrocarbures - Canada

    Faced with the challenges of climate change, Colas is committed to decarbonizing its activities. Colas has set itself an ambitious target, compatible with the Paris Agreement: reduce its direct greenhouse gas emissions by 46.5% (Scopes 1 and 2) and its indirect upstream emissions by 30% (Scope 3a) compared to the reference year 2019. This target is based on estimates of CO2 savings resulting from the implementation of actions described in a roadmap. 

    Wattway Perpignan

    Climate issues

    Integrating climate issues into the strategy (new business segments based on renewable energy offers, employee awareness and training); 

    Parc éolien - côte d'or

    Energy efficiency

    Improving energy efficiency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions linked to the direct energy consumption of asphalt plants, machines and vehicles (monitoring, renewable energies, low carbon solutions); 

    Hongrie M35 autoroute

    Low carbon products and solutions

    Develop and promote low carbon products, techniques and solutions (purchase of low-carbon cement and binders, production of low-carbon concrete, biosourced materials, warm and cold mixes, in-place recycling);

    voie cyclable Lumicol - Saclay

    Reduction of emissions

    Contributing to carbon neutrality and the reduction of emissions from customers and users (innovative, sustainable mobility and flow management services, optimizing infrastructure uses, carbon capture and storage).

    Our strengths

    Marquage route - Canada

    Colas benefits from long-term growth markets around the world. These markets are driven by population growth, urbanization, substantial demand for infrastructure in emerging countries, recurring needs for infrastructure maintenance in developed countries, environmental issues, the development of new forms of mobility and the digital revolution. Colas’ main strengths are as follows:

    Libreville - Gabon

    Collective global expertise

    Thanks to the 65,000  men and women who work at Colas, united around a common history and shared values (Caring, Sharing, Daring) and a renowned brand name  

    R&D center - Bangkok

    Capacity for innovation

    In particular with its Campus for Science and Techniques, which designs and develops products and techniques addressing the challenges of energy transition and new uses, as well as “Mobility by Colas” in the area of digital transformation, supporting mobility services by developing digital technology for new uses and services;

    Carrière - Canada

    Vertical integration

    With an international network of 3,000 construction materials production and recycling units (aggregates, bitumen emulsions, asphalt mix, etc.) and bitumen terminals, which give it control of the value chain at an upstream stage and in particular of its impact on the environment;

    Decentralized organization

    In the form of a network of 1,000 local business units around the world, with long-standing local teams adapted to local requirements and carrying out small-scale maintenance and development work, which represent the majority of the more than 50,000 projects performed each year. 

    Solid financial structure

    With a strong cash flow enabling Colas to pursue its growth strategy by continuing to take advantage of targeted investment opportunities.