The members of the executive committee
The executive committee is composed of 15 members:
The executive committee is composed of 15 members:
Colas road solutions
Security and traffic management
New construction and rehabilitation of buildings
Valormat and Ecotri, the recovery and recycling platforms of the Colas Group.
Colas' expertise for consumers
Construction and maintenance of civil engineering works
Mobility Services Activator
Water and Energy transport
Thai bitumen joint venture
Photovoltaic road surfacing
IT services and digital solutions
Subsidiary company specialized in bitumen
Colas website in Austria
Colas website in Belgium
Colas website in Switzerland
Colas website in the UK
Colas website in South Africa
Colas website in Australia
Colas website in Czech Republic
Colas website in Denmark
Colas website in Croatia
Colas website in Hungary
Colas website in Ireland
Colas website in Iceland
Colas website in Poland
Colas website in Slovenia
Colas website in Canada
Colas website in Romania
Colas website in the Middle East
Colas website in the USA
Colas website in Reunion Island
Colas website in Slovakia
Colas website in Mauritius
Colas website in Peru
Colas website in Chile