Our corporate governance

    Board of Directors

    The Board of Directors sets Colas’ strategic goals and ensures that the company operates smoothly. It strives to promote the creation of long-term value by taking into account the specific social and environmental issues in the Group’s business segments. 

    The Board of Directors is assisted in the performance of its duties by three Committees: the Audit Committee, the Selection and Compensation Committee and the Ethics and Patronage Committee.

    The composition, powers and rules governing the functioning of the Board of Directors are provided in detail in the internal rules and regulations available on the Colas website.

    Composition of the Board of Directors

    Eight directors serve on the Board of Directors of Colas: 

    Grange Pascal
    Grange Pascal

    Pascal Grangé

    Chairman of Colas

    Cyril Bouygues
    Cyril Bouygues

    Cyril Bouygues

    Bouygues SA (Committee Chairman), represented by Marie-Luce Godinot

    Portrait Didier Casas
    Portrait Didier Casas

    Didier Casas

    Anne-Christine Champion
    Anne-Christine Champion

    Anne-Christine Champion

    Lewiner Colette
    Lewiner Colette

    Colette Lewiner

    Catherine Ronge
    Catherine Ronge

    Catherine Ronge

    Roussat Olivier
    Roussat Olivier

    Olivier Roussat

    Grange Pascal
    Grange Pascal

    Pascal Grangé

    Chairman of Colas

    The Board is assisted in the performance of its duties by an Audit Committee, a Selection and Compensation Committee and an Ethics and Corporate Patronage Committee.

    The Audit Committee

    The Audit Committee meets four times a year to review the consolidated and parent company financial statements in advance of the Board of Directors’ Meetings. Its mission is to assist the Board in guaranteeing the accuracy, reliability and fair presentation of the financial statements and the quality of the information communicated, particularly to shareholders.

    Selection and Compensation Committee

    The Selection and Compensation Committee review and propose all components of compensation and benefits due or potentially due to the Chairman & CEO, and periodically review issues relating to the composition, organization and functioning of the Board of Directors with a view to making proposals to the latter.

    Ethics, CSR and Corporate Patronage Committee

    The Ethics, CSR and Corporate Patronage Committee is tasked with reviewing alerts or situations which could present Ethics and Compliance risks and determining actions to be taken. It also reviews patronage and sponsorship contracts for any amount over €20,000.  

    Chief Executive Officer and Strategic Committee

    Portrait Pierre Vanstoflegatte

    Pierre Vanstoflegatte

    Chief Executive Officer

    Pierre Vanstoflegatte, 55, is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole des Mines de Paris. He served as Chief Operating Officer and later Chairman of Bouygues Energies et Services from 2019 until its merger with Equans. 

    In this role, Pierre Vanstoflegatte significantly enhanced the performance of Bouygues Energies et Services, leveraging his extensive experience in the agency business acquired both in France and internationally within Spie and Schindler. 

    In 2022, he led the detachment project and merger of Bouygues Energies et Services with Equans, a company acquired by Bouygues in October 2022, showcasing exemplary performance. On September 17, 2023, he assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer at Colas.

    His mission is to continue the company's development and enhance cross-functionality with other Bouygues Group entities, particularly Bouygues Construction and Equans.

    Portrait Valérie Agathon

    Valérie Agathon

    Group Vice President, Administration, Finance & Strategy


    After graduating from Kedge Business School in Bordeaux, France, and from Reading University in the UK with a Master's degree in Economics and International Business, Valérie Agathon started off her career outside of her native France, first in Germany, then in Sweden. She then joined Dassault Systèmes as Head of Marketing Projects, then Head of Investor Relations, before moving up to Director of Investor Relations.

    She joined the Bouygues Group in 2009 as Director of Investor Relations, then Director of Strategy and Development.

    In 2019, she moved over to Colas as CFO of the Materials and Bitumen business units, before becoming, in 2021, Deputy Director of the Materials business unit and CFO of the Bitumen business unit.

    In February 2023, Valérie Agathon was appointed Vice President, Administration, Finance and Strategy of the Colas Group. She reports directly to the Chairman and CEO.

    Portrait Thierry Meline

    Thierry Méline

    Executive Vice President, France & Indian Ocean


    After graduating with a degree in Engineering from Ensam, Thierry Méline began his career in the Colas Group in 1990 as a Construction Engineer at Screg Sud-Est (now Colas Midi-Méditerranée). He moved on to become Assistant Head of Operations in the same subsidiary’s Toulon branch office in 1994, followed by a position as Profit Center Supervisor in Saint-Etienne in 1997, Avignon in 2000, and then Isère / Drôme / Ardèche in 2001.

    In 2005, he was called on to be Profit Center Manager at Colas Midi-Méditerranée’s Côte d’Azur branch, before taking over as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the subsidiary in 2010.  

    As of January 2015, Thierry Méline was appointed Deputy Managing Director at Colas’ Roads France General Management division. He was appointed Executive Vice President, France in September 2015. In May 2019, his scope was expanded to include the Indian Ocean.

    Portrait Christophe Mansuy

    Christophe Mansuy

    Group VP, Human Resources


    After graduating from Ecole des Mines de Nancy, IFP School, and from SDA Bocconi School of Management in Italy, Christophe Mansuy began his career in 1989 at IFP (Institut Français du Pétrole, now Axens) as a process and commissioning engineer for international industrial plants, then moved on to become Sales and Marketing Manager for the Far East.

    After a period with SCOR, he joined Bouygues Offshore (now Saipem France) in 2000 and held general management positions in several countries before being appointed Corporate Vice President in 2011. In 2016, Christophe Mansuy joined SPAC, a subsidiary of Colas, as the Director of the Energy Transport business unit, and was then appointed CEO of the company.

    In January 2020, he has been Managing Director - International at Colas Rail.

    In July 2023, Christophe Mansuy has been appointed Group Vice President, Human Resources of the Colas Group.

    Portrait Francis Grass

    Francis Grass

    Executive Vice President, EMEA & Specialties


    A graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries (ENSAIS), Francis GRASS joined Colas in 1993 as a trainee at Colas Martinique before becoming Site Manager (1994) then Works Supervisor (1996) at Colas Gabon.

    In 1999, he joined the Ribal Group (French Guiana) as Works Engineer before being promoted to Manager in 2000. Seven years later, Francis GRASS was Development Manager in the Central Europe Division of Colas, then Construction Manager and Deputy Project Manager for the construction of the M6-M60 freeway in Hungary.

    In 2010, he was appointed Regional Manager of Colas in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, before becoming CEO of Colas Centre-Ouest (2012).

    In 2017, he was appointed CEO of Colas Rail and then became Executive Vice President (Europe, Middle East, Africa) and specialties in 2020. 

    Portrait Pierre Vanstoflegatte

    Pierre Vanstoflegatte

    Chief Executive Officer

    Pierre Vanstoflegatte, 55, is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole des Mines de Paris. He served as Chief Operating Officer and later Chairman of Bouygues Energies et Services from 2019 until its merger with Equans. 

    In this role, Pierre Vanstoflegatte significantly enhanced the performance of Bouygues Energies et Services, leveraging his extensive experience in the agency business acquired both in France and internationally within Spie and Schindler. 

    In 2022, he led the detachment project and merger of Bouygues Energies et Services with Equans, a company acquired by Bouygues in October 2022, showcasing exemplary performance. On September 17, 2023, he assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer at Colas.

    His mission is to continue the company's development and enhance cross-functionality with other Bouygues Group entities, particularly Bouygues Construction and Equans.