Christophe Mansuy, Group VP, Human Resources

Colas’ success and growth are down to the quality of its people, who are the company’s most valuable assets. At Colas, we do all we can to make sure the Group continues to be a favorite employer in our sector, around the world. Moreover, one of the 8 pillars of the ACT project is dedicated to this very ambition: “attract, develop and retain talent through managerial excellence.” With an objective of 6,000 vacancies to fill, “attracting” means making applicants want to come and work for us by highlighting our strengths: a global leader acting for sustainable development, individuals given responsibility from an early stage of their career, decentralized decision making, hands-on managers. Developing is about identifying our talents and enhancing their skills at all of our sites via a raft of training courses, encouraging flexible career paths. Retaining talent is about promoting fairness, diversity and inclusion, for example by giving everyone the opportunity to access a given role, irrespective of gender, age, personal opinions or nationality. Managerial excellence, i.e. listening to our teams and working together to define the principles to be shared by all, in order to be able to steer overall performance while allowing enough flexibility to take into account the significant diversity of our operations and local markets.
Our HR policy
Attract, develop and retain talents through managerial excellence.

Because our future depends on our people, Colas has always been committed to relying on managerial excellence to attract, develop and retain talent, enabling employees to reach their full potential throughout their careers.

Because our future depends on our people, Colas has always been committed to managerial excellence to attract, develop and retain talent, enabling employees to reach their full potential throughout their careers. For this, our human resources policy aims to:
- attract new multicultural talent in terms of nationality, gender and thought by promoting the Colas brand and our values (#Caring, #Sharing, #Daring)
- ensure an inclusive work environment, where everyone feels respected and valued for their own contribution. Our policy is long term, which means that the relationship between the Group and its people must be long-lasting, too
- help people build their careers by providing training as well as equal opportunities
- foster an environment of well-being at work that respects work-life balance
- encourage employees to give back to their local communities

Key Figures
countries around the world
employees (at December 31, 2023)